Tuesday 14 December 2010

FIlming Saturday 14th December 2010

During the editing stage of the footage that we filmed on 11th December 2010, some of the individual character shots do not seem as clear and as crisp as we would like.

We plan to re-shoot these today after school.
The shots include two individuals walking on the pavement and talking to his friends.

Although these shots are less than one second each, i feel that this is very important as it establishes the relationship between the audience and the character.

Eddies and Maurice's shots are focused in the wrong area. We can correct this by using a focus pull so the characters face is clear while the background seems blurry.

Monday 13 December 2010


On Saturday 11th December, Group 2 completed just under four hours of filming.
During this time, the weather was very cold, which worked well for us, as people would be less inclined to go out, so there would be less interference with our filming.

One of the main problems of shooting handheld was the shakiness, however, after many takes, i managed to find a solution. If i locked my arm into my chest, and tried to walk as smooth as possible this would produce a clean shake free shot. If there is a good take, but you can still detect some movement, we can edit this out and make it smoother by using a program called 'Adobe After Effects.'

During this time, we filmed the rest of the opening sequence when the four friends are walking down the street. During these shots we experimented with focus pulls, shooting from different angles and shooting behind railings to give a different effect.

We filmed on Mount Nod Road which is located beside Dunraven School.
This was an ideal shooting location, as it has 'no entry' from one direction, which decreases the flow of traffic. This was perfect for us, as there would be minimum interference with our filming.

These images show some screen shots from Saturdays filming.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Weather Conditions.

Due to the current weather conditions in South London, we have had to edit our shooting schedule. This has meant we are now approximately one week behind due to a large amount of snow and ice.

Although it would have been interesting to film in the snow, we have completed some filming in dry weather conditions.  Therefore we felt as the snow would affect the continuity  it was agreed as a group that we would halt filming until weather conditions improved.